Sunday, March 30, 2008

Caesary Chavez

Cesar Chavez is one of my favorite people this week. Who is he and why, you ask? His name is Cesar E. Chavez, and when pronounced really quickly (as in on the radio the other day) he sounds like a nice, flavorful dish. And, according to a sign posted at the ECEC (my work) last week, and I quote "ECEC will be closed March 28 due to Cesar Chavez." Why wouldn't he be one of my favorite people? So Chris and I got to take the day off after 2 very crazy stressful weeks. We had big plans for Friday. We did. But when you wake up and it is overcast and only about 55 degrees, it makes it really hard to want to go to the beach and go body boarding. Wah wah wah, all of you who live in the cold say, but 55 IS cold here, (no matter what you try to tell me!) Anyway...we spent the day playing video games, cleaning and sewing. Which I think is just what we needed...a day off.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Hmm one more reason I'm glad I don't drink

So this came courtesy of my friend Natalie (the link was on her blog). I don't know that there's much I can say other than- wow, another reason not to drink.

Don't Drink and Think


Back to Vegas- a look at a game I shouldn't want but do

Just a quick heads-up to those of you who game. R6 Vegas 2 is out. This is so bad... what do I do- do I long for the joy of playing R6 Vegas 2 which is sure to be even better than R6V, and by doing so know that I am forsaking my extremely capable guy on CoD4, OR do I say, "Well there's always a few months from now for R6V2, and honestly will I want to play MP?" Cause see all along I never thought I'd ever play MP much, not with friends. Turns out when friends aren't near by, or readily available I still hop in to a few rounds of CoD4- now Alicia knows that this is usually a bad choice cause I just get mad at the people playing, but yet like a glutton looking for another whipping, I just keep playing. THIS btw is how CoD4 became a time-suck beyond all others. So my concern is do I want to try a new game (which I know I'll love b/c I'm a R6 addict, even more than CoD- thanks to Ed, who got me stuck on R6 to begin with).
See here's where I have to wax sentimental for a minute. R6 is where I cut my teeth in LAN partying. What exactly does this mean? Well let me show what 2:00 AM on a weekend in the TownHouse may look like:

So on top of just the normal great gameplay and all, there's this whole... "I Heart R6" and it brings back great memories on top of it all.
So there's the conundrum. To buy or wait? Chances are I'll wait- I've got lots else to do, but still it is nagging at me.

BTW- To make matters worse I do have a gift card to buy at least part of it... man oh man, what do I do?


If a blog is left alone in the forest with no one to post does it cry? Yes.
Sadly our blog has been weeping for a week now. I wrote a post, but haven't had time to append the pics, so it sat. I attended the AVA concert and was planning on writing it up, but I haven't. And then my parents came into town for a few days, including a glorious escape to Disneyland for a couple days. Again, I was gonna post- but I haven't. Oh yeah and in the middle of all this I have worked way TOO MUCH (like 60+ hours a week- even nights at home working :( ) And through all this, neither Alicia nor I have been able to get close to the blog. And yet it sat, sulking like a lost suitcase on the side of the information superhighway. But now we're back. Hopefully over the next few days I'll get some of these posts up, and with Alicia's help we'll catch everyone up to speed.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Gettin' Rich with Sunshine Dollars

So recently we were playing BANG! (feel free to ask me for a good banging) with our friends Jason and Elise. During the out of control gaming we were talking about how poor wages were in SD versus costs of things like rent. It was at this point that Jason told us during his recruitment to his previous job he was told that even though the pay was not commensurate in respects to other locations/work, that they also paid in Sunshine Dollars (a la living in Sunny SD). That of course got me laughing and thinking simultaneously (a dangerous habit, I know). So when I was recruited to the BMS program here at UCSD they too talked of a lack of equal pay to cost but that it WAS San Diego. So was that the scientific way of saying, "Hey we'll pay you in sunshine dollars."
So as part of my goal to always save more I have officially opened up my SDSD account (San Diego Sunshine Dollars). Only question now is: Do I have to make a payment every time the weather is gorgeous? If so, how much? Can I buy my way out a gray weekend?
The irony of it all is how true it is. Alicia and I have often talked of the fact that if we'd have chosen to go to UW it'd be different. We'd own a house, I'd probably ski more, wouldn't surf, and oh yeah, people wouldn't just happen to want to come visit us for a few days. Interesting. That being said, we often talk of how nice it is having a beach a few minutes away, bicycling year-round, and the fact that I have palm trees out side my window. Oh yeah and the pay really is good here- if you count the SD ;)

Now to make everyone jealous, I had to go down to SIO to last week (Scripps Inst. of Oceanography (its part of UCSD just down on the coast more)), so I decided to take a few pix while I was there:

So this is about 50' from the building I work in. A great place to eat, as long as you don't want to go back to work any time soon.

This guy was making me jealous- wish I could join him, he looks lonely.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Christmas comes but twice a year

Right now is one of those moments I wish I had a camera. See, a couple days ago I had to call EA to get a replacement guitar sent out for Rockband (mine had started to act funny). It was a painless process (a true first in customer service). I was told there are two options 1) Have them send me a box, send my guitar, wait for them to get said guitar, wait for a replacement to be sent to me, or 2) Have them send me a guitar in a box, and then send mine back to them (free- but I had to have them place a hold on my card). Wow, choices... OR NOT! Umm I'll have you ship the guitar so I can at least always have a guitar with me. So here I am today 48 hours later and voila! I have a guitar in my hands. WOW 48 hours to ship and get to me from Michigan. Not bad...not bad at all. I'm well over impressed with the service I received. I wish ALL customer service was this efficient. Too bad I'm now spoiled. Thanks EA, you set the bar extra high on this one. Now to everyone else out there- you better shape up, cause I know it's possible to get great service, even from a huge company.
So why the camera in the beginning- simple- I have a guitar at my desk in lab. Who doesn't think that truly is a great photo op?

Foreign Frat Parties with Guns!

***Warning: The Following is NOT a political statement. I am fine with the war, I don’t frown on the marines, or the armed forces. Instead I frown at how stupid we as a nation are.***

He he he, nothing better than getting the boys together and being crazy, foreign style! Now the goal here is not to be political in any way shape or form- no, no. I merely want to point out some really funny realizations that Alicia and I came to recently while watching the news. Once again there were marines in the news for doing stupid things- foremost among them was the “potential abuse of a puppy.” Now in no way am I qualified to speak on it because all I saw was a simple video of the marines holding the pup by the scruff of his neck- very much the way a mother dog would. Now for those of you who cry at Old Yeller and mourn every road kill cat- I’m sorry, but I am apparently a calloused person as I didn’t even think twice of that. Well for whatever it doesn’t matter in getting to the point- these are 20 year old guys doing stupid things and the nation is shocked. Did I miss something? Did the “nation” never go to college? Did we forget movies such as Revenge of the Nerds, Animal House, and Old School. I just don’t get it. At what point did we think that sending 18-25 year olds was a good idea to represent America? These are teens to early college kids. Everybody remembers those guys in college, right? Now I understand that some of the demographic went to the sheltered bubble that is BYU but that being said there are still those guys hanging around at UVSC and in the grocery stores, gas stations, and concerts (not to mention Taco Bell at 2:00 AM) in and around Provo. Lets face it here’s what we’ve done: trained these guys and given them firearms, sent them to a foreign country with minimal supervision with a bunch of their friends, and now become appalled when they go and do the same thing that they would have done had they been back in America, in the Sigma Chi or Pi Kappa Alpha houses. Did I miss something? Honestly people, all we’ve done is create a foreign frat party, with guns! I for one don’t even bat an eye when I see what stupid people have done while serving over seas (and why should I? People do amazingly stupid things at home too). Am I just crazy? Am I so desensitized? Or is it maybe that I have such low expectations out of frat boys that this type of action merely serves to reinforce my stereotyping? No matter what it doesn’t matter in the end. Because as long as the marines recruit, and as long as we allow 18-25 year old kids not be under constant supervision we will get this type of action. I for one don’t care, in fact I find it funny sometimes, stupid frat boys! Now with GUNS!!!

A Quick Congrats

To Kevin and Pam:
Congrats on the birth of your son. Sounds like it was a wild ride to Ogden. Hope you guys are doing well.

Chris and Lish

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Gettin' NASty in our house

Now I know what everyone is thinking? What on earth is this title? Well let me provide you with a quick link here. Yeah so still confused? Good, er, wait, bad. So what does this all mean- it means that the hundreds of pictures and thousands of albums of music that we own finally have a neat place to all party together. Plus it means they're safe (I have opted to RAID 1 the drives). We opted to get a sweet little D-Link NAS box and then a couple of 750GB drives. So while I have 1 1/2 TB of space since it's mirrored I only have ~740GB for storage- yeah I know I should think of upgrading. In the mean time it's nice to be able to have all of our music in one place, or so the theory goes. The reality is this means a WHOLE LOT of work over the next month as I try to inventory and rip ALL of our music. Good news, however, is I'll finally have a complete catalog of my music. Also I am looking forward to the fact that I can DDNS on it- meaning no matter where I go in the world I can access ALL the files (aka music and other) from the internet. Also of noteworthy to the few of you who have corrupted files that need a copy- FTP can be run off a DDNS-enabled server. So you should be able to get the file copies you need to repair broken discs and such. Just thought I'd share that excitement with the few of you who know what I'm talking about. Oh and on a side note- it's a sweet UPnP and AV server so I can stream the music/pix/vid to the 360, the PS3, and any other comp I have hooked up to the system. It'll be nice to not have to worry. AND it features a print server to boot so I can now print without having to turn on the Gateway. Who knew a little box could be so useful!?!
The cool factor is pretty low- until you see the unit- it's about 5" tall x 7" long x 4" wide- smaller than a toaster with 1 1/2 TB of data- WOW!

btw- the Geek factor is uber high on this! (couldn't resist)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Changes and Housekeeping

Sorry to inform everyone, but, "I (and now you) can't get no." Yup instant satisfaction has been taken away. Yeah because of the problems with spam "commenters" we've had to put an approval button on the comments. Don't worry, we'll post everything from everyone, we just are sick of unsolicited "Click here for free Rx" crap. Hopefully if it goes away we can take that off, until then Lish and I will try to check the blog a few times a day to allow for "current" posts. Weekends- I make no promises.
Until then Cheers!

**UPDATE** I've found a sweet JavaScript that I can run that enables me to automatically approve a whole bunch of peeps AND also filter keywords- so for the time being partial SATISFACTION has been restored.