Thursday, November 12, 2009

Enough with the idiocy of Facebook

People are idiots!
The following is a response to a Facebook post of a friend of mine who claims that she got the H1N1 flu after getting the shot 2 days before:

I would be highly amazed that you could justify your sickness to the shot seeing as how nearly all current vaccines use recombinant partial-attenuated virus (AKA never had the full virus in it) due to costs and FDA requirements (Live and heat-inactivated are only used in the run-up period). Also keep in mind that you may not have the H1N1 and your local MD isn't equipped with the RT-PCR diagnostics required to validate H1N1 away from all the other virii out there.

So I know I may have just offended a bunch of people, but hey it goes on-
With regard to some friend of mine from high school (again on FB) talking about taking all these tests to determine the sex of the child

(Her Status update) : my voodoo pee test said girl. It was the weirdest test and I wouldn't do it over again. We will see if it is right though. Crossing fingers.

Yesterday at 11:36am · ·

Person 1- I have a funny test for you, ask me about it when you see me in person
Yesterday at 11:56am
Original Poster- You have peaked my curiosity...
Yesterday at 12:01pm
Random Girl- did you check the chinese birth calendar? it was right about caleb, and wrong about leah. so 50/50...but it's been accurate with a lot of my friends!
Yesterday at 12:06pm
Original Poster- I
did the chinese birth charts. It was correct with my first two, but wrong on the third. This time is says girl, but who knows :)
Yesterday at 12:20pm
Person 1- The Argentine's believed that your baby starts to manifest it self through you. And there are certain things girls and boys do different.
Yesterday at 12:26pm
Other Random girl- I can't wait to find out if the voodoo test is accurate. How come it was weird? Or is it too graphic to write about? :-)
Yesterday at 12:27pm
Original Poster- Interesting Darwin, I am curious.

Jamie, not too graphic so I will try to explain. First there are several things you can't have. You can't have polycystic ovarian disease, no progestrone therapy for ten days, or intercourse within two days. You wait until morning for your sample. You pee in a cup and draw up 20 cc's to put into the test cup. It looks like there was glitter in it as well as other chemicals. You swish the cup for ten seconds. It has to be on a flat surface after swishing and it has to have white under it. You then have to read the test at eye level after ten minutes. If it is green, it is boy. If it is yellow/orange, it is girl. So, if I looked at any angle other than eye level it was green, but eye level it was orange. So I called their help desk and they said it was definitely a girl. Their website also said, if you don't look at eye level it will always be green because that is what the chemicals do to your urine. Freakin weird if you ask me, but we will see. They said it is 90% accurate! Hope they are right, I would LOVE a girl!!
Yesterday at 12:38pm
Well Wisher 1-
Yesterday at 1:11pm
Well Wisher 2- That would be so fun for you guys!
Yesterday at 2:27pm
Random Girl 3- Wowza! I've never known anyone that has taken that test...til now! That's fun stuff! I'm still sending pink babydust your way!
Yesterday at 3:03pm
Well Wisher 3-
Yesterday at 3:24pm
Well Wisher 4- I bet it will be a girl! Are you going to find out? Or just be surprised when it's born!
Yesterday at 4:05pm
Longing Girl 1-
I have 3 boys too, I hope my next one, when that happens, will be a girl too.
Yesterday at 4:25pm
Expert Girl 1- Congratulations... The sex depends on when you ovulated. i'll email you about it..... Cindy
Yesterday at 4:29pm
Original Poster- According to ovulation Cindy, we are set for a girl as well. For the risk of TMI, I will email you about it and you can see what you think :

My response follows:

I'm sorry as a trained biomedical researcher I just have to point out the obvious fact from 10th grade health class - it's not yours to decide (your husband carries X and Y, not you), as for the others...ummm of course it's a 50/50 chance of being right - there are only 2 choices (for most of us)


I wish I could explain how infuriating the idiocy of the collective is. People are dumb sheep who believe anything that someone else "heard" somewhere!!! Think people, just stop believing blindly and THINK!!!


1 comment:

Alicia said...

I love the new names you gave people...high five! I also enjoy how stupid people are...