Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So I got an invite to a very exciting Beta to a game I am not officially allowed to mention but is of the same family as R6. I'm very excited as I always love being in betas, but more importantly I LOVE TC games. I'll be sure to post some generic notes about the game- we'll call it something entirely different... sorry I have to be semi-mysterious- I had to sign an NDA (yeah already, I know!). I'll, umm, communicate more as I get to start. I don't even get the game till the 15th, but still...guess I know what I'll be doing that week.


Kristin Hanson said...

Congrats, looking forward to hearing how endwar/hawxs turns out :) (Dave)

Kristin Hanson said...

Oops, now that I've found out for sure on Kotaku I probably shouldn't have said what game it will be, but hey I said it not you :) enjoy.

Chris and Lish said...

Thanks Dave. Sad part is I feel like I don't have time to play anything anymore, let alone a demo...guess I'll just do my "best."
Glad to see you're reading Kotaku more, always an entertaining site.

Anonymous said...

The TC games are great. You'll have to keep us posted. I mayhave to upgrade my system to run it, but I'm really wanting to give HAWX a try. But then, you know me & flight sims...