Thursday, August 21, 2008

And zucchini steaks for all...

So Alicia and I are vegetable lovers. Love to eat them, prepare them, even the smell of steamed vegetables is good to me. So that being said even I have a finite limit to my love of all things green. So when our friends Kate and Jeff offered us a zucchini out of their garden we immediately said yes. Unbeknown to us was the sheer volume of said zucchini. It was so big that we didn't even know what to do with it- so to bread it went, with some other assortments being made before having to chuck some. Fine, dandy, life goes on. Then after the trek we got another one- cool I could go for some veggies. Problem was, three days later Kate offloaded another half a zucc on me. So what you might ask? Well see it's not the number it's the size!
Below is a single section of one of the zucc steaks that I had to cut so that we could do stuff with them.

Needless to say they're HUGE! Yeah that 1st picture, that's a US quarter next to it.
So we made some lasagna featuring zucc, and then w still had ~10 cups of zucc left so we shredded it. Who knows what we'll make with it next!
Oh and btw- we still have a whole zucc left to deal with.


Below are some pics of Lish prepping the zucc.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rockin' it up in the coffee shop

Just like a Friends episode gone awry, I find myself hanging out at the coffee shop listening to one of my friends play away on the impromptu stage.
Always a good way to pass the time on a Friday night. It works out for the better because then I can get to sleep for Saturday morning surf club! Ahh, the life of a bored couple that doesn't get much sleep anymore.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So I always thought it might be fun to have twins one day. Then I taught 4 year olds. I could handle 12 at once, twins would be easy. Then I taught 2 year olds. Again, 2 at once, no problem. Then I went on the trek. No more twins. I just don't think I would make it through the teenage years. Heck, 1 at a time might be pushing it. Oh, and kudos to all those who have survived parenting teenagers (and mom and dad, you'll never know how easy you had it).

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The sweetness of Barstow, CA

So its 11 pm and we just drove past the linwood exit. Hmm never has barstool looked so good as when they said 2.5 hours to San Diego

Lost? Wish I could lose a kid or two

So here we are finally headed home from our trek we have had a good time mixed with all sorts of craziness - some of which I would never believe had I not been there myself. So the plan right now is survive the 12 hour ride home and then over the next week we'll post up the whole thing along with some sweet pics