So this time I'm going to live blog one of the other researchers in the lab- a lady by the name of Rouhi.
8:30 - She balks at the absence of people so she says we will wait.
8:39 - She complains that there are not enough people but we start anyway.
8:40 - She has a diagram of a standard cell with a partial outline of the Cu transport pathway. She is attempting to explain the pathway.
8:42 - An all too familiar picture of ATP7B is shown - she is talking about the domains. Certain "key" residues are pointed out.
8:46 - Discussion of xenografts
8:47 - Now she's talking about her published papers - is this gonna be all her talking about what she's done? Hmm seems like she may be taking advantage of the fact that Steve's not around.
8:48 - ATPase activity is pH dependent. Hmm.
8:49 - Dr. X is questioning how she characterized certain aspects of the paper- she gives an unclear answer. He pursues and she kinda dances around it- he gives up and lets her go on.
8:50 - Km and Vmax is discussed (I for one don't buy it, but I'm too busy typing to interfere)
8:51 - She's talking about an ex-coworker that tried to do molecular weight shift assays. She is very fast to criticize all those she had working under her, and fast to mumble defense of her work.
8:55 - She shows some kinetics that suggest that maybe it moves DDP- seems very unclear and non-specific
8:57 - She refers to Brian and his clones. Says that they've just been following what he did.
8:58 - Talks about the pMal-ATP7B complxex and how she has helped him purify it.
8:58 - NMR (only need 5 mg of protein- is that all- only takes 5 L of media! Oh yeah, and like a month of non-stop work)
9:01 - She's now showing Mohammed's work and all the gels that he ran. I decide to ask about what appears to be a weight shift- I am told that even though it's higher it's not anything. Hmm...
9:03 - She is asked about cross-linking and non-specific by Dr. X. Again she says well that isn't a problem.
9:05 - She has the NMR data up and is fumbling through what she obviously doesn't know.
9:08 - She has a figure out of a new paper and is unsure what it is but is trying to say that it shows that the 7B is rigid with Cu and 7A is not. She says that she hasn't read the paper but this is what it tells s (don't ask how she knows that).
9:10- Cu and DDP bind similarly to 7B. She is telling us where she's headed next.
And that's it another shorty- man I love these (esp. since the last one was almost an hour and a half).