So occasionally I have suffered from leg cramps when I first wake up or while I am sleeping. The solution is simple, get out of bed, put pressure on the leg that is cramping to stretch the muscle out. Then get back into bed and or get up and get going.
Saturday, however was a different story. Envision if you will the following...
My alarm went off at a nice time for a Saturday (5:45 am). I turned my alarm off, stretched, and instantaneously both calves seized. I clambered out of bed to stretch them out and make the cramps go away in rapid fashion. BAD idea. Knotted calf muscles don't support very much weight...especially when both legs are cramped. Crap. Down I go. Onto my knees. Only problem? Legs are still excruciatingly painful. I hear Chris pop up out of bed wondering what in the world is going on. Bad idea #2. Try to stand up again. Crap. Down I go. Again. The other way onto my backside.
Chris: What is going on? Are you okay?
Me(in tears): legs cramped...both of them...I fell over...twice...
Chris: do me a favor...don't stand up again...
Me(still in tears, but laughing as I picture in my mind's eye what has just happened): okay
I proceed to just lay on the floor laughing and crying and laughing some more. I finally crawled back into bed (I needed a few more minutes at this point) and reset my alarm to make sure I got up in time to get to the temple. Three days later I still can't stand on my tip toes without feeling like I've done a million stairs and laugh out loud every time I think about it...
Lesson? Don't point your toes when you stretch your legs, it doesn't end well. Ever.