In brief. Yes, we felt it - very much so. It lasted about 40 seconds and there was enough time for us to recognize it and leave the apartment. Yes it continued to shake for a few minutes after. Then we got to feel a few aftershocks. No it hasn't stopped, twice in the night it was strong enough to wake us up. Yes, we're safe.
And yup, we went straight to work this morning, cause in CA if it isn't currently shaking it doesn't count.
On 2 side notes:
1) It was 3x the strength of the Haiti quake and was ~100 miles from us
2) This is the 2nd strongest quake in CA in 100 years and the strongest ever felt in SD.
As for house vs work. I'd rather be at work. My building is 5 years old and thus is the most advanced in seismic safety, far superior to my crappy apartment.