Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why I am scared for 2 months from now

She's only 4 weeks old. She's been able to move her head freely since birth, and has, to quote the doctors, "very good muscle tone." She loves to try to push herself up with her legs and experiments with motor skills all the time (she's pretty good at reinserting the pacifier with her arms/hands if she drops/intentionally removes it).

Something tells me she's kinda already figured out the steps to crawling and we're only waiting for the inevitable.


Friday, November 18, 2011

A month already

It's hard to believe that 4 weeks ago we welcomed little Lindsay into our lives...I was told yesterday that she looks less like an alien now...but she still has chicken arms and legs. She definitely gets cuter every day. It also helps that she sleeps longer and screams less...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lindsay Marie

So...for all who haven't seen her, here are some pictures of our new little love...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Project for the little girl

So I wanted to make a blanket or something for the little one that will be here soon, but just hadn't figured out what to do yet. Then, Chris bought me a serger and a new sewing machine for my birthday/Christmas, and then I really needed to make something. So I went to the fabric store yesterday without a clue as to what I was actually looking for. I ended up with the following to make a blanket for her. I cut the pieces out last night and came up with a pattern.Then today I pieced them all together (I felt very much like my Great-Grandma Waite who made a quilt a week and we all had baby blankets from her).
Here's a close up of the fabrics I was using. (Also proof that I am not a expert seamstress or quilter, as not many of the corners line up exactly.) The blue is a flannel backed satin, the green is a fleecy bumpy fabric and the polka dot is a cotton calico. The back will be a light pink flannel to make it soft and cozy. I'll post more pictures as I progress. I also bought some fun fabric to make some burp cloths, When I get those made I'll post those too.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Birthdays are always interesting, not because of anything in particular, just interesting. In years past, we have spent many birthdays (and celebrations of birthdays) at one of our favorite places, Disneyland. It is always a fun place to celebrate and we get to celebrate our anniversary there too. Last year, because we didn't know how much longer we would be in SoCal, we let our passes expire. It was really kind of a sad day.

Now, we are permanent SoCal residents, but because of the baby on the way it doesn't make much sense to renew our passes yet. (So not worth it if I can't ride all of the fun rides).

So needless to say, this year our birthdays were not spent at the happiest place on earth. Instead we have spent the majority of our time and effort looking for a house to buy. This has been a very exhausting and sometimes discouraging road. But we keep trudging along...through all of the places that you have to drag yourself through before the right house comes along.

And last night, after seeing two terrible properties, Chris and I could not go to sleep because we were laughing too hard about nothing in particular. I am grateful that through everything we still are able to laugh at crazy things, knowing that in the end, the Lord will provide the right house at the right time and everything will work out in the best possible way for us.

And I have to hope that the right time will be before this little girl has her birthday.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

And the flavor is...


And no, she does not have a name yet. We've got a short list, but have yet to finalize one. We've still got time right? And yes, we do realize that our little girl will be here before we know it. And hopefully we'll have a house to bring her home to.

Monday, June 13, 2011

If at first you don't succeed...

So occasionally I have suffered from leg cramps when I first wake up or while I am sleeping. The solution is simple, get out of bed, put pressure on the leg that is cramping to stretch the muscle out. Then get back into bed and or get up and get going.
Saturday, however was a different story. Envision if you will the following...
My alarm went off at a nice time for a Saturday (5:45 am). I turned my alarm off, stretched, and instantaneously both calves seized. I clambered out of bed to stretch them out and make the cramps go away in rapid fashion. BAD idea. Knotted calf muscles don't support very much weight...especially when both legs are cramped. Crap. Down I go. Onto my knees. Only problem? Legs are still excruciatingly painful. I hear Chris pop up out of bed wondering what in the world is going on. Bad idea #2. Try to stand up again. Crap. Down I go. Again. The other way onto my backside.
Chris: What is going on? Are you okay?
Me(in tears): legs cramped...both of them...I fell over...twice...
Chris: do me a favor...don't stand up again...
Me(still in tears, but laughing as I picture in my mind's eye what has just happened): okay
I proceed to just lay on the floor laughing and crying and laughing some more. I finally crawled back into bed (I needed a few more minutes at this point) and reset my alarm to make sure I got up in time to get to the temple. Three days later I still can't stand on my tip toes without feeling like I've done a million stairs and laugh out loud every time I think about it...
Lesson? Don't point your toes when you stretch your legs, it doesn't end well. Ever.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Yeah, there are a lot of those going on around here. First, have left Limbo-land, and plan on being permanent residents of San Diego. Chris is loving his new job and the career opportunities there. Although we are remaining in San Diego, we will be moving within the area again (because 5 times in 6 1/2 years wasn't enough), because starting this fall our family will be bigger by 1. (And not because Nick will need a break from Russian winters.) We are expecting our first child to arrive around November 3, and are super excited!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hooray for Sunshine Dollars!

Why you ask? Because that is what our currency will continue to be. After a year of searching, applying, flying, interviewing, wondering, praying and a lot of waiting, Chris has now embarked on an amazing career here in sunny San Diego. He started with a company called Illumina on Monday, and has loved every minute so far. So for all of you who never made it out (or didn't come often enough) we'll still be here when you finally decide to come see why we love it so much. Of course, because we get paid in sunshine dollars, (and landlords like real dollars) accommodations may be tight/limited, but we'd love to see you!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sucker Shot

See here's the thing- I don't like these shots (Color spotting in a B&W, either by pseudocoloration or resaturating a spot) in wedding portfolios cause they're WAYYYYYYY over used (that and the fact that 99% of the people that shoot and publish B&W didn't compose the shot to be B&W to begin with).
That being said I couldn't help myself on this great B&W surf shot I took last year.

~ Chris