Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm so much Hotter than YOU!

Yes you heard it here first- I'm hotter than alls ya alls. Course the only way to measure accurately is to use a dosemetry badge and ring. Which according to mine is hotter than anyone else I know. That's the perks from doing 5 radioactive experiments in the last month or so. You know (well actually you don't otherwise this conversation wouldn't be happening), I don't like radioactive stuff. I play with really nasty stuff too. Today, again, for the fourth time, in about 6 weeks, I used 64Cu, which is really hot copper. So hot it was at 21 mCi when it shipped- creepier still- it was only 1 ul that they sent me. HOT!!! To put this in perspective: I was exposed to the equivalent of 6 or so hours of continuous MRIs (you know the medical imaging technique). Yeah kinda bad. Good thing I use a LEAD VEST of DEATH, 100's of pounds of lead blocks, lots of plexiglass (the 1/2" stuff nonetheless) and of course my safety goggles. So NO, I'm not going to be glowing just yet- but let me tell you what a pain this is to use this kind of precautionary equipment. First of all- I have to wear PANTS and SHOES- yes, I know, I work in a lab, but see it's in San Diego... look even PIs here wear flip-flops to lab (and yes shorts too). Then I have to wear a lab coat ALL DAY. Oh yeah and then double glove & the whole 25lb lead apron dragging you down. Then you have to work around these stacks of lead and plexi- all while listening to a Geiger counter go non-stop. Now do for 8 hours or so- rushing b/c the half-life of this stuff is 12 hours so no time to waste- except you spill a drop and it may take you 2 hours to clean it up so be VERY careful, very FAST, all in lead.
On an ironic side note that super hot Cu that I receive comes overnight via FedEx- best part according to the manifest, it is safe to be carried on passenger planes. Hmm, makes you wonder what your luggage is really sitting next to in the belly of that plane, huh?
Now everyone has a wonderful insight into why I can't stand radioactive days. But hey, all in the name of science.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again

Yup, finally found a few spare minutes in which I didn't want to just lie in front of the TV or on the bed. So a quick catch up on all that's been going on. Well, Lish is in full swing with her "new" work- for those who haven't talked physically with us you may not know that for the time being Alicia is serving as the interim Lead teach at work. That's the "good" part. The bad part is that they got to this point b/c things were so far down the tubes that the other lead lead them to fail their recent evaluation from some state honcho. So they have asked Alicia to please serve as a temporary lead in an effort to steer the ship that is their class from the rocks of absolute failure. So for the last few weeks Alicia has been serving as the lead for her class, far more stress than she had hoped, but that being said everyone who comes in says how much better the class is since she took over. So... in true Alicia fashion she is doing awesome and will lead the class forward towards a passing score.
Now for me, hmmm what to say? I've been working like a dog in an effort to get some serious data so that I can get another paper out. I'm getting mixed results some good, some bad, and quite a few - huh? Yup I don't even pretend to know the answers to some of what I'm seeing. I am however getting sick of all my radioactivity work. If it's not [Cu64] it's [C14]. Which by consolation will allow me to really screw with any isoradioanthropochronologist b/c he'll never be able to carbon date me. So anywho, yeah lots and lots of work. Which leads me to my rant (didn't think I'd post without one did you?). I'm really frustrated with the narrow-mindedness of people. I wish that people, random ones from Church and family members alike, would learn how real PhD programs work (real vs PhD lite (Lite= something like a PhD in PoliSci or English)). Why do I wish they'd learn? Cause I'm sick of having to explain the non-answer to the question: So, how much longer? I don't know. How much longer you gonna live? Don't know? Why not? Same reason for why I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be. Now that isn't saying I'm not gonna get it till I die. It's just that there are a LOT of factors. It's not like I just have to take some classes and write a paper or two (that would be a PhD lite) I have to do ground breaking research and LOTS of it. And in case you failed your science classes, research doesn't always work. So how than in the cosmos am I supposed to know what will and won't work? If I knew I wouldn't be doing research would I? So then the question is how much more research? Well exactly twice as much as it is half. I don't know- I'm hoping year or so more. Reality says whenever I have made my contribution to science.
Well I'm done.
Good to be posting again. Maybe, I'll try again tomorrow.

Friday, April 18, 2008

AVA Review- A collection of 2nd timers

Yeah I know, I said 4 weeks ago I'd talk about the show. Eh, you get what you pay for (that's right cheap-skates!). So the deal is, for those of you who don't know, AVA is the abbreviation for Angels and Airwaves which is a band featuring the singer/guitarist of the now-defunct Blink 182, Tom DeLong, along with guitarist David Kennedy (Boxcar Racer, Hazen Street), drummer Atom Willard (the Offspring, Rocket from the Crypt), and bassist Ryan Sinn (the Distillers). So Tom, an SD native, got some of his friends together and created a band whose main aim is Emotional Rock, AKA ambient rock, or in otherwords, sensory based rock. It is a type of music that has more invested energy than your typical generic rock. The songs have meaning and often times convey real feelings or sensory of more than just auditory value. What does all this mean? Well it sounds kinda strange to hear it described, but if you listen it kinda invokes this idea that you should be hearing it as a soundtrack to a rock opera, or in some huge stadium. Often times the band cites 80's U2, Springsteen, The Police, Pink Floyd, etc. as influence for how to construct the album. Anywho, it's good post-punk music that shows a very emotional side of Tom and co.
Alicia is a big fan of their stuff, as am I, so that should tell you something. With two albums out they aren't exactly huge, but certainly not small time either.
The show/experience went down at SOMA- which is in its third iteration. The venue, having been there a few times now, is very much what you would expect to find in the mid-90's SoCal punk scene. Dark, concrete, no seats, smallish stage, enclosed, and above it all- in a strip mall next to the Sports Arena (a huge Delta Center-esque venue).
The opening acts were a mixed bag. Some bands that I could have passed on and one that was a new found goodness. "Ace Enders and a Million Different People," is a band consisting of a collection of distinct people all supporting the main singer/songwriter/guitarist- who ironically enough is called... Ace Enders. You may know him best as half of the songwriting/singing effort that fronted the now defunct band "The Early November." Good stuff, slightly more chill than emo and yet more demanding than elevator music. It had a nice sound, so good, in fact, that we picked up the album while we were there (hard to say no to a CD and T-shirt for $15). The next opening band was a group called, "The Color Fred." Featuring, (you guessed it) ex-band, "Taking Back Sunday,"'s guitarist. Ehh, folksy rock, eh. Last up was a group that I had seen several times before (couldn't place where until they said where they're from), "Meg and Dia," straight out of SLC. Well technically I think it's Draper. Anyway, whiny, ehh, so-so, could have left them too.
But then the moment finally came, the main event. Angels and Airwaves. A small stage, three flags at an angle, nothing much to it. Oh yeah and after it started LOTS OF LIGHTS AND SOUND. They were LOUD, and if I even thought I had epilepsy I would have gone into seizures like mad. Holy spinning lights, Batman.
Yeah the band played for about an hour and a half straight. It was good. Playing almost every song off both albums. They did a nice little 3 song encore just to show they could. It was a strange feeling. You could tell they enjoyed being home. But yet it felt like they were trying so hard. Maybe, because they had family and friends in the crowd they had to push harder.
So survey says: 7.5/10
Would I go again? Yes, in a heartbeat. Would I pay $50 to go? Nope. Would I recommend them to anyone? If you liked Blink, especially songs such as Adam's Song, Stay Together for the Kids, or Anthem, or if you liked the album Boxcar Racer you'll enjoy this. If not, well this isn't gonna change a whole lot of opinions. Yes there is more to them than just punk, but the root of it all is that SoCal angst.

BTW- Irony is that 3 of the 4 bands that played were all made up of defunct bands. So Alicia and I were commenting that this should be called the "Comeback Tour." I'm thinking more along the lines of, "Yet Again," or, "One More Chance Tour."

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wacky Wednesday!

For those of you who may not know...I spend 8 hours 5 days a week with around 23 two year olds. And although they keep me laughing most of the time, there are days (few and far between) when I wonder if I've chosen the right career. Today was one of those days. This morning was a complete disaster. No matter what I tried (or anyone else for that matter) they (the kids) insisted on running and screaming and generally ignoring anything and everything. So after nap and snack, when 10 or so of these little 'friends' (I use the term loosely at this point) decided that drums, pianos, and tambourines would be fun, I didn't figure it would do me any good to try and coerce them to stop. So as Chris so eloquently put it, "If you can't beat'em, join'em." And that's exactly what I did. I grabbed a tambourine and asked the band what they wanted to play. Before we were done 25 minutes later(that's an eternity in 2-year old time), we played about 8 encores of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" a few rounds of ABCD's (yes, that's the same as the ABC's, but I have a friend who must think the D feels left out), some "Wheels on the Bus" and "Old MacDonald" and some other songs mixed in as well. We kind of died out with Old MacDonald though. Too Bad. But after the morning we had, I was extremely impressed with myself for containing and entertaining my little friends. And in the peak of it all I think I had every child (16 at that point) either playing, singing, or watching with great interest. And any adult within a 3-mile radius was probably wondering when the sky was going to fall, but hey, we had fun right?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Tickle This!

So last week on our way home from doing baptisms with the 2 youth in our ward we went to WalMart to pick up a few things. I will never again go to WalMart on a Friday night, it was scary. I don't think anybody there had anything else going on at all, because I've never seen so many S...L...O...W... people in my entire life. Then, every time I turned right my shopping cart sounded something like "ka-thunk, ka-thunk, ka-thunk." The worst shopping cart I've had in a while. But on a Friday night after a long week, it was almost entertaining and I wasn't about to go try to switch it out. As we're meandering through the toiletries section looking for hair goop, I turn around a corner and WHAM! there it is. A very, very, overweight woman wearing a bright red T-shirt with Elmo on it. But the worst part? Her shirt said very plainly "Tickle This!" Ewww. No thanks. Really, no thanks. After I had cleared a path and my head we wandered to the electronics/DVD/video game section ( a must at any store on any given shopping trip). As I walked past the cashier stand I noticed a tiny palm tree affixed to the corner of the booth. Rubberbanded to the tree was a very small Michaelangelo figure. I took a picture but I haven't retrieved it from my phone yet, but I will post it as soon as I can. Very entertaining. I still haven't been able to complete poke out my mind's eye enough to get rid of 'Tickle This!," but what can you do?

WaHoo for Map Packs!

Yes we've been AWOL for a week. Yes there has been crazy amounts of stuff going on, yes we'll try to get it all posted this weekend. But in the mean time. Call of Duty 4- my absolute vice in the world right now has just released their expansion map pack!!! Sweet there goes another week of my life!